There seems to be a mixed review of how to take the speech in which President Obama spoke about the impact of the death of Trayvon Martin in the African American community. The last person you would think to agree with him is Zimmerman’s Lawyer, Mark O Mara. Read more after jump
After the President paid homage to Trayvon Martin and put forth his thoughts on why the African American community and overall minorities were enraged after the verdict of the Zimmerman Trial, there were a slew of reactions from those that saw his speech. The one that was shocking most was that of O’Mara, Zimmerman’s lawyer. Omara stated “It takes courage to talk about race. It took courage for our President to address the Zimmerman Case and candidly discuss how and why people are upset by the verdict”. O’Mara also stated that the Zimmerman trial did not have anything to do with race, just “facts” and those that understood that, understood the verdict of “self defense”. Those that commented on the president’s speech include Trayvon Martin’s parents, whom thanked Obama for taking time out to speak on the situation as well as Russell Simmons, Rev. Al Sharpton and others.