
Tri-State area, incase you’re trying to live out your child hood dreams of partaking in a massive food fight ( without any penalties) this is where you want to be tomorrow! Read more after jump

Adriela Batista

Attention Brooklyn! The annual Tomato Battle is right around the corner, literally. This saturday, July 20th starting at noon, at the Aviator Sports Complex at Floyd Bennet Field, the event that you’ve all been waiting for will take place. Thousands will come together to act out one of the biggest food fights this year, throwing barrels of ripe tomatoes at one another for fun. If you’re thinking this is nothing but a waste of vegetables, no worries, the tomatoes that are provided are overly ripe and no longer can be sold in stores. The excitement does not end there, there will also be tons of entertainment, bands will be playing and beers will be brewing! Tickets range from 25$ if you are able to find a site that is providing them for a discount ( livingsocial has sold out), yet regular admission is 50$. So bring your goggles, grab your friend, release some of that built up anger from this heat wave and head to brooklyn for some good ole fashioned fun!

Fore more info click here aviatorsports