A person’s debt still exists even A.D., so why would you think that prison is going to stop a person from getting their money?! C-Murder lost out on his final appeal back in February, for the death of 16-year-old, Steve Thomas, and he’s still headed to court – for civil liability. Hit the jump for details.
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Corey “C-Murder” Miller will be headed to court for a civil trial. Yup, Steve Thomas’ parents, George and Delores are looking for money! Before the murder trial back in ’09 began, C-Murder stated that he was only making 10cents an hour for all work done in prison, so…”What can you take from a man who has lost his liberty? He’s lost his liberty. There’s no money to be taken,” states the No Limit rappers’ attorney, Roy Maughan Jr. Tsk Tsk!
Judge Glenn Ansardi will determine if George and Delores will be receiving damages, and if so how much.