IFWT Wade Davis

One of those who will be participating in Sunday’s Pride Parade in Chicago is Wade Davis, a former NFL player. He had some interesting thoughts to add to the discussion of gay athletes.  Read more after the jump.

Shay Marie

Davis, who spent time with the Seahawks, Titans and Redskins in the early 2000s, just came out a year ago and will be joined at the parade by former NFL players Marcus Sullivan and Reggie Smith, who are showing their support. ”

My time in the NFL had its ups and its downs. The safest place for me to be was actually with my teammates. I didn’t really have to think about my sexual orientation.” Davis says he has become good friends with Jason Collins, the NBA player who recently came out of the closet. “A lot of the conversations that he and I have are around changing perceptions of what it means to be an athlete. You know the old adage goes “you can never become what you don’t see.”

CBS Chicago