At the annual Vectren Dayton Air Show in Ohio, two people met their unfortunate fate in front of hundreds of guests. The performer and her pilot, Jane Wicker and Charlie Schwenker respectively are seen just as they crash. Hit the jump to see for yourself.
Via DaytonAirShow.Com:
On Saturday June 22, 2013 at approximately 1:00 PM a wing-walk performer had a fatal accident while performing at the 2013 Vectren Dayton Air Show Presented by Kroger. Although no official announcement has been made, show officials believe that the two performers involved did not survive.The accident was isolated and no other injuries were reported. FAA and other officials are on site investigating the incident.Air show officials have announced that the Saturday show flying operations have been cancelled and normal operations will resume on Sunday.The show will honor Saturday’s tickets at Sunday’s show.