IFWT_Kanye Leyla

It sounds like someone is switching their story up! Leyla Ghobadi received tons of attention when claimed that Kanye asked her to have sex with her while she was with Kim. She’s getting so much attention that she “can’t believe all this publicity — I’m having anxiety attacks. I’ve been out with other singers and never kissed and told. I’m not starting now.” You know what? You should have probably just kept your mouth shut in the first place. Check out what she changed her story to after the jump.

Sarah Nafissa

While Leyla Ghobadi claimed to have hooked up with Kanye while he was with Kim, she’s changing her story by saying she had sex with him BEFORE she was with him. She’s now saying: “He then flew some friends and I out to Toronto for his two concerts in the next two days. We had sex again there. This was all before Kim Kardashian and he never spoke about her. But what I do know is that Kanye is a Romeo — he can never be trusted.” It’s time to go into hiding sweetie.
