Went Down in California, Apple’s WWDC is Back at it….This June it’s all about the Software, Let’s hear about the iOS, Mac OSX, and possible iRadio iTunes Radio Announcement, after the jump!
*PHOTOS To Go With These Notes in Gallery Above*
It’s that exciting time of year where I get to see all the great stuff Apple is offering….from 3k miles away
Ok let’s Get Started:
Beside Apple execs like Time Cook, Al Gore(whom sits on Apple’s Board) is in the Building!
A couple people are in the building with Google Glass on 0_0
1p Start;
Everyone switches devices to silent mode
Tim Cook hits the stage to applause
24th WWDC – longest running
Biggest audience yet
100 sessions 120 labs 1000 apple experts av
This show sold out in 71 secs
Apple retail;
1 million ppl a day in apple stores
407 stores in 14 countries
App store
going on 5th Bday(next Moth)
50 Billion Apps downloaded
900k Apps in store 90% downloaded everymonth
575M accounts
PAID dev’s $10B $5B in just the last year X’s more than all other platforms combined
New in app store bringing AI and robotics to our daily lives
Anki Drive cars driving themselves
App gathers data
Video game in the real world
Gaming on a whole NEW level
72 M Mac’s
Macbook #1 notebook in US
#1 in customer satisfaction
Mountain lion 28M DL’d
Sea Lion?!
OSX “Mavericks”
New Finder Tabs
Full screen
Tagging to the Mac; in finder side bar; super for search
Multiple displays; Menu’s across multiple displays
App Nap; Shuts down apps when not in use
Reduce CPU up to 72%
Compressed Memory;
Using Memory Better
Improved Safari in Mavericks
Top Sites; New sidebar; Reading lists; Shared Links; Heavy Twitter integration
Less Memory usage
iCloud Keychain; remembers pswrds; encrypted; syncs across systems; remembers credit card info
New Notifications in Macs
can get iOS pushes on Macs!!!(if App is in Mac store)
on Lock screen too
Auto update apps
New inspector; location, travel time, weather; gives suggestions
Maps update; for Mac; set up on mac, send to iPhone; fly over data
Dev SDK to add mapping functions to your app
iBooks on Mac Now too; should be Great for Students
Mavericks connects you across all of your Apple Devices
Final release this Fall
Macbook Air;
New line; All day battery life; 4th gen intel processor
wake up in 1 sec; standby 1 moth
11inch 9hrs batt 13inch 11hrs batt life
wifi 802.11ac
new airport basestation; new airport timecapsule
environmental safe
Sneek peek at 3d in macbook pro
New Mac Pro
thunderbolt 2; 20gbps
Dual workstation GPU’s
supports 4K displays; up to 3
final cut pro X will update for it
Assembled in The USA
that’s the Mac Pro
Back to Tim
iCloud 300M user’s
game center 240M user’s
800B iMessages
7.4Trillion Push notifications
iWork getting iCloud integrated
iWork for iCloud; Mac or PC(windows 8); further putting Blackberry to sleep
All happens in a browser now(safari)
supports Safari; IE; Chrome
600M iOS devices sold
iOS users use 50% more than Android
More mobile shopping traffic
iOS 7; biggest change to iOS since iPhone
cleaner look; whole new structure
New icons; new palete of colors; new depth;
as you move device n your hand, tracks your motion
Very Clean
New features;
Control center; a little android-ish, but better!
Multitasking for all apps, with great batt life
New Safari; Tabs
Airdrop; share with anyone
New camera and photos app; organized into ‘moments'(hurting facebook)
photo filters; takes from IG without need for IG
Added video to photo stream
soundwave across the bottom; All new voice; male voice choice now; other lang’s; Siri smarter, alot more answered ?’s
Siri working with Bing
iOS in the Car; using siri, get on in-car dash
iMessages read to you(eyes free)
App store;
look for apps based on age range; Apps by me; apps update automatically(some ppl may NOT like)
new ‘now playing screen’ iCloud integrated
iTunes Radio; featured stations; create own stations; put in artists and get station(like pandora)
iTunes Match subscriber it’s ads free, otherwise Free with iAds
facetime audio
notification syncs
phone/facetime/imessage blocking
Activation Lock; can’t reactivate phone if find my iPhone is wiped or turned off; Theft deturrant
opening up 1500 new API’s
iTunes Radio;
Branded as the best way to hear new music; Taking the VERY Large iTune Library creating Playlist’s that can be adjusted….and all FREE(with iAds), But Ad free with a subscription to “Match”
iOS 7 in beta for Dev’s Today; final release this fall
It all looks Pretty Damn Incredible….But we won’t Really know how much until it Drops!!!