This story crazy, This former Goldman Sachs employee is suing his former employer for 10 million dollars because they threw him out of the building the day Storm Sandy hit even though he spent days and nights setting up preparation for the storm. This man had to walk all the way home in the storm and he did not live close. The janitor was fired after the storm for stealing $100 but the former employee denies the accusation. check out the rest of the story.


A former janitor at the Goldman Sachs building who helped the company batten down the hatches during Hurricane Sandy claims a drunken supervisor tossed him out the lower Manhattan headquarters — and into the aftermath of the storm. That, Mefit “Mike” Zecevic claims, was the start of a terrifying odyssey through the darkness and floodwaters back home to storm-shattered Staten Island — an ordeal that left him shivering for days and unable to function for weeks. Zecevic says Goldman Sachs’ janitorial firm, ABM Industries, then fired him for allegedly stealing $100 from the discarded shirt of a co-worker who now has his job — a charge he denies. Now Zecevic, 42, is suing ABM for $10 million and fighting to get his job back. “They destroyed my life, what they did to me,” Zecevic told The Daily News on Friday. “I worked day and night. They destroyed my life for nothing. Nothing.”
