WTF is wrong with people. Sports fans, as much as they love their favorite teams, are sometimes the biggest idiots in the world. What is wrong in your life that would possess you to physically attack another person because they are a fan of another team. The crazy part of this story is the fan who was attacked wasn’t even there to root for either team playing. Read more about it after the jump.


Matt Fortese, who is originally from New York, and now living in Maryland, took his girl to a baseball game in Baltimore between the Orioles and the Washington Nationals. Notice I didn’t say the game was between the Orioles and Yankees. Fortese happened to be wearing a Yankee hat and apparently 2 fake tough guys, 22 year old Gregory Fleischman and 21 year old Michael Bell didn’t like that. According to other fans nearby, the two men harassed the couple repeatedly for no reason. At one point they threw an entire cup of beer on them which prompted Fortese to raise up and argue with the two. That is when Fleischman sucker punched him, knocking Fortese over a railing where it was about a 5 foot drop to the concrete below. Nathan Steelman, an off duty state trooper came to Fortese aid. He said the man was not breathing for about 45 seconds and is now currently in very serious condition in a hospital with a skull fracture. Both idiots have been charged with first degree assault and disorderly conduct. I wonder if Fortese was with a couple friends and not just his girl would the two of them ever have opened their mouths, lames. Let’s all hope for a speedy recovery for Matt Fortese.