
When it comes to Kanye West, there’s no limit to the amount of air that’s in his head. He’s beyond conceited. I will say this, the Chicago bred has talent, and the way he went about releasing his latest single, “New Slaves” was a very creative way to do things, but come on now…”YEEZUS.” I’d like an explanation for that title. It’s clear as to what the comparison is, but what makes you think you’re on the same LEVEL?!
That’s just my opinion. Kendrick Lamar on the other hand has his. Drop down bottom and see what he had to say about Kanye’s way of doing things.

JaaiR (JR)

“That whole marketing scheme is crazy,” said Kendrick. “It’s very inspiring. After a while you get to a point in Hip-Hop where certain tactics get watered down. How much music can you release on the Internet to get it hot? How many singles can you put out? How many videos can you possibly do,” Kendrick says. “Whatever way is his way of being creative and getting his message across through that album, that’s the culture. Period. So, I can’t wait to hear it.”
Looks like Kendrick has his back 100%.