After the “Teen Mom-turned-wild-porn-star’s” recent debut in the XXX world, she has been dominating every blog, magazine, and tabloid ever since. The bikini she wore on the cover of her “Backdoor Teen Mom” movie just went up on E-Bay with a starting bid at $500. HOWEVER– E-Bay reportedly sent an e-mail to Vivid Entertainment, the company who released Farrah’s porno tape, and told them they were removing the listing for her bikini. Hit the jump to hear why!
According to E-Bay, they pulled the listing because…check this– IT WAS NEVER WASHED SINCE FARRAH WORE IT! Gross! E-Bay sent Vivid Entertainment an e-mail saying “Due to health and hygiene concerns, our policy does not allow used clothing to be listed on the site unless the item has been washed first.” But it gets worse… after the listing was pulled and people started to hear why, the starting bid went from $500 to $14,700! FOR A DIRTY BIKINI! Vivid Entertainment plans to wash the bikini and re-post the listing on E-Bay as soon as possible.