Ridiculous demands from stars is nothing new. Prince wants clear plastic covering everything in his dressing room. Madonna gets brand new toilet seats wherever she performs. So we shouldn’t be surprised by Beyonce’s recent backstage demands. While the singer is currently performing shows in London, according to the UK’s Daily Star magazine the Queen has made an eyebrow raising list of must haves. Read more after the jump!

1. The walls of her dressing room must be freshly painted white

2. A new toilet seat must be installed (which I get, gotta keep it sanitary)

3. Red toilet paper

4. All junk food is banned! Only healthy foods like almonds and oatcakes are to allowed and also to be served on glass platters.

5. Hand crafted ice balls for the Queen to use to protect her voice

And lastly, Titanium drinking straws (valued at about $900 dollars each) used to drink alkaline water.

But that isn’t all, Bey and Jay reportedly had their baby’s $22,000 crib shipped from their home in New York City to New Orleans. The dressing room was reportedly stocked with $6,000 worth of alcohol and cigars for Jay’s leisure time.

Must be nice…
