Iron Mike Tyson Visits Pigeon Fancier

Mike Tyson’s love for pigeons has always been a strange one but apparently he likes women who are even crazier.  Tyson appeared on WFAN’s “Boomer & Carton” and told a strange story about a past girlfriend and his dear pigeons.  Read more after the jump.

Shay Marie

Mike Tyson: “There were no chickens back then (in the distant past), you know? You didn’t have no fried chicken back then.”

Craig Carton: “Do you think people were eating pigeons back then?”

Tyson: “Big time. They eat them now.”

Carton: “Yeah? Have you ever eaten pigeon?”

Tyson: “Never in my life.”

Boomer Esiason: “Well, you love the pigeons.”

Tyson: “I tried (eating one).”

Carton: “When did you try?”

Tyson: “I tried, um…”

Carton: “I want to hear this story.”

Tyson: “I tried. I was dating this young lady and she said, ‘I don’t know why you’re flying those damn birds, you should be eating them.’ … She happened to grab one and — and she cooked one and proceeded to eat it. And I just couldn’t do it.”

Carton: “You loved the pigeon that much.”

Boomer: “Well, cause he’s got a relationship with the pigeons.”

Tyson: “It just wasn’t the right thing to do.”

He went on to state the obvious: “That’s why she’s not my woman anymore.”

And as if we needed to know how she cooked it, Tyson said his ex-girlfriend put the pigeon in “some boiling stuff.”

“It wasn’t cool,” he said. “It was her house and we were living off of her dime, so she could do (it).”