IFWT_Yankees 2

How did this happen?!  Lol.  All I can do is laugh.  I hope no one has the Yankees old box office phone number saved into their cell phone – because if you call it – it could land you in hot water with your significant other!
If you need tickets to a Yankees game, make sure you have the right number before calling!  Find out why after the jump…



Via  | Big League Stew:


According to Natalie O’Neill of the New York Post, the old toll-free number (800-913-9793) that at one time connected you directly to the Yankees box office number is now owned by a sex hotline. Instead of pressing 2 to speak to a representative about how many tickets are available in section 214, you can speak to a hot lady who’s been waiting for your call all of her life… for a small fee after a five minute trial!

Or however that works.

Honestly, I don’t plan on doing any real investigating into the matter, but thankfully Jessica Roy over at BetaBeat already has.

The actual box office phone number can be found on the Yankees’ season tickets page, so we called them to ask why the box office phone number might be sending fans to a phone sex hotline instead. A recording of pitcher CC Sabathia answered, but his voice was nowhere near as sexy as the woman from America’s hottest talk line.

The box office official who answered after the recording said it was the first he’d heard of the phone sex snafu. Sadly, he had no comment, and hung up on us before we could say goodbye.