Everyone is in agreement about the NFL Pro Bowl, it usually sucks! Players work hard all season to be recognized as an NFL all-star, only to have the pro bowl itself be the worst all-star game of all major sports. I mean there is good reason though. Why would a player who makes millions off football each year want to go out and give his all in a game that doesn’t even count. Players worry about being injured in a game like that, and that is a legitimate concern. Players go more for the free trip to Hawaii than the actual game itself. You can usually even see players are only running at half speed. The commissioner last season actually threatened to cancel the Pro Bowl going forward if the effort didn’t become better. Well a new idea may pump some life back into the game. Read more about it after the jump.


It is being reported today that the same way the NFL does a draft for rookies coming into the league, they will begin to do a draft for the Pro Bowl teams. Here is how it will work. Fans will still vote for the players they want to make the game. Once the players have been selected, two captains will be chosen. Those two captains will then “draft” players to each team out of the players the fans voted for. What that means is players who may be on the same team for the season could play AGAINST each other in the Pro Bowl. I actually think that would be pretty fun to watch. Picture Clay Matthews and his long blonde hair trying to chase down Aaron Rodgers because they were put on different teams in the Pro Bowl, that would be awesome. But then you still have to worry about players taking it easy on each other. But at the end of the day it is a cool idea to help get more interest back for the game. This actually could be in place before next years game.