David Petraeus, the former CIA Director finally takes some time out to speak in public since his resignation for the very public affair with his biographer.
Petraeus was a guest speaker at at a dinner for veterans and ROTC students at USC. Before he assisted in the honoring of veterans and soldiers, he apologized for his actions leading up to his resignation and he apologized to his wife, Holly. With something like this, it’s best that you release a statement as soon as possible, but hey. Drop down bottom and check out what Petraeus had to say.
“Needless to say, I join you keenly aware that I am regarded in a different light than I was a year ago. I am also keenly aware that the reason for my recent journey was my own doing. So please allow me to begin my remarks this evening by reiterating how deeply I regret and apologize for the circumstances that led to my resignation from the CIA and caused such pain for my family, friends, and supporters,” says Petraeus. I wonder what was USC thinking when they recruited this guy to speak at a dinner about HONOR. He must have been the cheapest.
[ Global Grind ]