Ooh, it gave me chills even writing such filth. How could anyone even bring their lips to say those words? Sean Penn’s 19-year-old son Hopper was walking with his father into a medical building when he didn’t like that a photog was too close. So, he decided to violently shove him…and then call him a slew of names including “f*ggot” and the aforementioned “n*gger.” Deplorable!
Though the cops were on scene and managed to catch some of the commotion, the victim declined to press charges. Shoot, I would have! Hopper then spoke to TMZ following the incident, and offered up an apology. “I was accosted by paparazzi and made to feel like an animal – threatened and under attack, but that does not condone my own actions. I deeply regret my choice of words.” Watch the awful video below, then decide if you think his apology is acceptable. I sure don’t!