Vince Wilfork is a very big man. I am not sure you want to make a habit of talking negative about him or his family. But Ted Johnson, who was Wilfork’s teammate in 2004 when they won a super bowl together, seems to have missed that notice. If you don’t know who Johnson is, I don’t blame you, he was not anything special. But I am sure Patriots fans remember him. See after the jump the back and forth beef and what was said.


Johnson, who now does sports radio in the Houston area, answered a question from a caller the other day that he should of left unanswered. He was asked what player he played with had the ugliest spouse. Most people would of recognized that is a red flag question and stayed away. Johnson answered, saying “You know what, I’ve got it. And this is a big, big man. This guy had his way with the Texans this year. He won’t hear this — Vince Wilfork.” Only problem Ted is Vince DID hear it, of course he would you dumb ass. Besides responding on twitter directly to Johnson, Wilfork also said

“Every1 is entitled to their own opinion, but it is f—ed up when a x-teammate that I actually looked up to and enjoyed playing with takes shots at my wife for whatever reasons. I love my wife and my family. She is my everything. I don’t care when this was said no one should cross that line. The line has been crossed so it is what it is. All I wanna say is f— you! You don’t want to f— with me or my family. Take shots at me all day but not them. I have a great family life and blessed to have them.”

Johnson has already tried to apologize, but it seems too little, too late. Check out the gallery to see what Vince tweeted to Johnson and the reply from Johnson.