Some people just need their a** beat. Deandre Devon Davis-Williams is one of them for sure. “ALLEGEDLY (my a**)” Williams continuously crept into the home (through the back door when no one was home) of an 11-year-old and forced himself on her, took advantage of her, and got her pregnant in the process. The girl’s mother had no idea that the abuse was going on until her child’s school called her with the suspicion that she was pregnant. It was too late at that time since she was already 7-months. HOW DO YOU NOT REALIZE THAT YOUR 11-YEAR-OLD CHILD HAS GROWN A 7-MONTH-OLD BELLY ?!?!
The kicker is that Williams attempted to contact the girl via a text message stating, why did you tell on me. I’m going to kill myself. This type of s**t takes me to another place. Lock him under the jail. Drop down bottom for more.