Jay-Z's 40/40 Club in AC closes

Hurricane Sandy really did a number on the east coast, man! News broke today that Jay-Z’s popular 40/40 Club in Atlantic City has closed their doors for good, partially because of the lease ending but a majority because of the damage sustained in the storm. The lease ended the same month as the storm, but because of the “tremendous water damage inside the club,” they chose not to renew it. Damn, that was a nice spot! More details below.

Marisa Mendez

“Our leasing team is actively and diligently working to bring a great new tenant into the space. Stay tuned,” a spokesperson for the property said.

“There was a big hole in the roof as well,” Ron Berkowitz, the 40/40’s spokesman, said. “With the end of the lease and with Sandy, we decided we had a great run, and it was time to move on.”

It was a good 7-year run since October 2005!

Source: AC