I know football season is over, and even when the season is on we hear more than enough about Mr. Tebow, but this story is definitely crazy!!! We all know Tebow wears his religion and faith on his sleeve & there is nothing wrong with that at all. So to hear he will be speaking at a church in April sounds right…right? WRONG!! You won’t believe the type of church he is going to be speaking at. Read more after the jump.


Tebow’s image is in serious danger of taking a MAJOR hit if he plans on keeping his commitment to the First Baptist Dallas church. The Pastor, Robert Jeffrees is far from your typical Pastor. He has created quite a reputation for himself, and it is not necessarily a good one. This is the same Pastor who called Islam, Mormonism and Judaism religions from “the pit of hell”…WHOA. This guy loves controversy.

The night before President Obama was re-elected, Pastor Jeffrees warned his followers that “Obama being re-elected will lead to the rise of the Antichrist”. Does Tebow really want to be associated with this with his golden boy image? The pastor went on to say gay people should not be allowed in the military because “70 percent of the gay population has AIDS”, which is obviously not the truth. I am not sure what Tebow and his representatives are thinking, but I have a feeling they might reconsider this speaking engagement.