Many photographers venture out to become part of a small group of artists who see the ‘big’ picture; or take it. There was the 80-gigapixel panoramic photo in London shot from the top of the Centre Point building in central London back in 2010. That same summer they took a 70-gigapixel photo from the hills of Budapest, which took 2 days to shoot. The photo ended up being a 200GB file which scaled out to a 15 meter wide print, but their latest feat truly went above and beyond.
A panoramic photo from the tallest man made building in the world; The Burj Khalifa Pinnacle of Dubai. There website allows you to view both the large scale photo in high definition with full zoom capability and a video as well. All the images are impressive, but the Burj Khalifa is truly an amazing photo. Watch the video below and then zoom & pan all over Dubai.