Damn though. Philadelphia PD f**ked up now! Meek Mill is suing his hometown police department, and more specifically officers Andre Boyer and Michael Vargas, because of his unnecessary arrest back in October. Police held Meek for nine hours before they let him go without any charges being pressed against him. While in custody the officers, “posted and published, or caused to be posted and published, on Instagram and other social media websites, depicting plaintiff in police custody, held plaintiff in custody against his will in a jail cell for approximately nine (9) hours, after which time plaintiff was released on November 1, 2012, at 4:30 a.m., without being charged with any criminal activity and having caused plaintiff to miss a scheduled promotional appearance in Atlanta, Georgia.” The courts papers are saying that his civil rights were violated in a major way. Meek (also known as Robert Williams – new to me, LoL) is suing for “anxiety and embarrassment associated with plaintiff being placed in a false light; and the anxiety and embarrassment of being seized, detained, confined and imprisoned against plaintiff’s will.”
WoW! I say get them where it hurts – in their pockets! The police in Philly, Jersey, and NYC is always messing with somebody. What ya’ll think, should he sue or NOT? Let me know your thoughts. Drop down bottom and check out the court papers.