Something about this story is beyond fishy. Nothing seems right about this accident scene until you realize the police force in South Africa is widely known for corruption, then it starts to make a little sense. As you can see from the pic, what USED to be an Audi R8 is in pieces scattered on the street. The driver of the Audi was pulled over for unknown reasons. At some point a police officer gets in the passenger seat, in full uniform, gun and all, which is 100% against policy according to a police spokesman. The driver at one point drives off with the cop STILL in the car with the police van following behind. If that doesn’t sound weird keep reading. Next the R8 starts to speed through the streets and eventually the driver loses control and hits a wall, a tree and a lamppost, which splits the car into 3 pieces and a bunch of smaller pieces. The driver and the cop inside died at the scene. Even though the car was destroyed, police still found some weed in the car. Combine that with the fact the police van followed the Audi the whole time as if everything was ok is leading many residents to believe the cop who died was trying to force a bribe from the driver and they were heading to an ATM. Now obviously I personally am not speculating on that, but from residents of the area who are used to police corruption, this story does not come as a surprise at all.