What a wonderful story! 35-year-old Rhymefest hadn’t seen his father since he was 11 but last week…that all changed! “It was not until I hugged him that I realized how much I missed having a dad around,” he said in an interview following their reunion. “I immediately started hugging him, as I cried my eyes out. I had been telling people my son was a famous rapper but nobody believed me,” his father added. So nice! Find out how they made it happen below.

Marisa Mendez

“My dad has been in and out my life since I was about 3 years old, but the last time I saw him I was 11,” Rhymefest said. “To be honest I was not looking for him, but was encouraged to start by my wife after we moved into his childhood home.”

He said his mother helped him reach “my dad’s brother, who in turn put me in touch with a family friend. That friend told me what shelter my dad was staying at, and that is how I found him.”

More on this story here!