This kind of shows why it’s so easy for rappers to lose money these days. Just like taxes, PAY YOUR BILLS. Compton rapper, T-Raww, is taking “rack city” to another level & racking up that debt. His accountant, Robert Seltzer, (stupidly) offered Tyga his credit card to buy some things such as food, hotel, and transportation while touring – making an oral agreement he would pay him back by the end of the month. Of course, he never paid his accountant back & Seltzer isn’t having it! See the rest of the details after the jump!

Biz Baby

He sued to get his money back — $13,396, plus interest (As he should).. which shouldn’t be a big deal for Tyga since the debt isn’t THAT much. But of course – he doesn’t pay Seltzer back and missed his court date. Chances of that debt being scratched off? ZIP! So a judge handled the situation in Robert’s favor and ordered the Tyga to pay a grand total of $16,801.67.

SMH! It’s about to be 2013, be responsible. PAY UP!

UPDATE: Oh and by the picture he just posted up.. unless it’s old, he doesn’t look like he should have a problem..