MediaBistro, a job board site, has worked with its resources to put together some very interesting Twitter-related stats of 2012. Twitter has also put together a video of top 2012 Tweets which is below. Enjoy…
1. There were 175 million tweets sent from Twitter every day throughout 2012.
2. The average Twitter user has tweeted 307 times.
3. Since the dawn of Twitter, there’s been a total of 163 billion tweets.
4. 56% of customer tweets to companies are being ignored.
5. Barack Obama’s victory tweet was the most retweeted tweet ever with over 800K retweets.
6. Top 3 countries on Twitter are the USA at 107 million, Brazil 33 million and Japan at nearly 30 million.
7. The average user follows (or is followed by) 51 people.
8. The 2012 election broke records with 31.7 million political tweets. Election Day was by far the most tweeted about event in US political history.
9. 32% of all Internet users are using Twitter.
10. Twitter is projected to make a total of $540 million in advertising revenue by 2014.
11. 69% of follows on Twitter are suggested by friends.
12. In 2012, 1 million accounts have been added to Twitter everyday.
13. Lady Gaga has 31 million followers, which is the most followed account on Twitter.
14. The most followed brand on Twitter is YouTube with 19 million followers.
15. The USA’s 141.8 million accounts represents 27.4% of all Twitter users.
16. The “Castle in the Sky” TV screening was the busiest time on Twitter ever with 25,088 tweets per second.
17. 11 accounts are created every second on Twitter.
18. 50% of Twitter users are using the social network via mobile.
19. 34% of marketers have generated leads using Twitter.
20. 26% of retweets are incited by a request to retweet.