Brandy is a big fan of today’s holiday, and has some fond memories of Thanksgiving pasts. Find out what her favorite memory is and what she loves to eat on Turkey Day and will likely be eating later.

Marisa Mendez

Via The Boombox:

“I just love Thanksgiving. I love being with my family. I remember one Thanksgiving when my mom didn’t want to cook. I didn’t know her recipes at the time — I still don’t know them all the way — but I hired a catering company to make the food for Thanksgiving. I set my house up really nice for my mom and my family. We all got together and everyone had a good time. I made sure that the house looked nice and everything.

“It was nothing like my mom’s cooking but I just knew she didn’t feel like cooking that year so I did something special for her and kinda gave her Thanksgiving off, even though I didn’t cook none of the food [laughs]. She had a good time. When my mom cooks, we just all get together and hang out and just laugh and talk. It’s just the best time. We’re gonna go to Mississippi this year for Thanksgiving. I’m looking forward to that. Most of my family is out there and then my mom lights up like a tree when we get down there ’cause those are her stomping grounds.

“I love the dressing. They call it stuffing. I love my mom’s dressing, and I love it with sweet potato pie. Dressing and sweet potato pie together. It’s good! Trust me, I have the strangest taste buds in town and if I say it’s good to me, it’s gon’ be good to all! It may have to just be my mom’s though, my mom’s sweet potato pie and dressing. I don’t know that it works for everybody but my mom’s sweet potato pie and dressing together? It’s amazing!”