McDonald’s recently unveiled its latest “Gracoro Burger” featuring a patty of macaroni, shrimp and white sauce with a breadcrumb crust. Sounds pretty disgusting to me! But if you’re into that kinda thing, view the burger and check out where you can find it below!
Fast food overseas always seems crazier than it does stateside, doesn’t it? Particularly in Asia — McDonald’s Japan recently unveiled a burger featuring a patty of macaroni, shrimp and white sauce with a breadcrumb crust.
Kotaku has more information, but doesn’t manage to make it sound more appetizing:
These are the “Gracoro Burgers”, with “gracoro” (“gurakoro” or グラコロ) being short for “gratin” (グラタン) and “korokke” (コロッケ). The korokke is Japan’s take on the croquette—if you are familiar with that dish.
The site points out that the Gracoro burger, which comes with a demi-glace sauce and cheddar cheese, isn’t exactly new. It’s a seasonal item that’s been offered on and off since 1993, not unlike the McRib, and enjoys the same kind of cult status. The Gracoro burger will only be available in the winter months.