Ann Coulter has never had a filter between her mouth and her brain and this is just another example of that. Coulter took to her Twitter account on Monday during the Presidential Debate to voice how she feels about President Obama calling him nasty slur. While watching the debate, Coulter tweeted: “I highly approve of Romney’s decision to be kind and gentle to the retard,” followed by her trying to play down that she called him that. Now even more shocking than what she called him, she now has a message for her critics and it’s not a nice one. She once again took to her Twitter account to bash her critics and once again defend what she said. Read more below.

Julie A.

Her defense on the usage of the word is just as disgusting as her using it:

Speaking on Alan Colmes’ Fox News Radio show, Coulter said that she had no regret over using the word because she wasn’t referring to someone with a disability.

“Look, no one would refer to a Down Syndrome child, someone with an actual mental handicap, by saying ‘retard.’ Where do you think the words ‘imbecile,’ ‘idiot,’ ‘moron,’ ‘cretin’ come from? These were all technical terms at one time. ‘Retard’ had been used colloquially to just mean ‘loser’ for 30 years,” Coulter insisted. “But no, no — these aggressive victims have to come out and tell you what words to use.”
