And finally Apple announced their iBooks 3.  iBooks will now be integrated with your Facebook and Twitter accounts to share books.  Apple also discussed their focus on helping students with the iPad mini and iBooks. Apple said they will focus on books and textbooks for revolutionize education.

Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tim Cook announced iBooks 3 today, with iCloud integration, continuous scrolling and the ability to share excerpts from books via Facebook and Twitter. iBooks 3 will support more than 40 languages, including Chinese, Japanese and Korean. It will be available through iTunes, most likely at some point today. There are 1.5 million books in the iBookstore with more than 40 million downloads to date.

Liz Castro connected me with another ebook developer who has been making ebooks for iBooks 3.0 for the past few days. He has been tweeting his progressand one thing he’s already noticed is that iBooks 3.0 appears to offer more Epub3 support. The fixed layout spec in Epub 3 requires the latest version of iBooks, only Apple hasn’t released it yet.
