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With the Yankees being swept in the ALCS  by the Detroit Tigers and Alex Rodriguez being benched due to poor performance it has everybody weighing in even athletes from other sports.  Kobe a close friend of A-Rod offered him words of encouragement and recently Carmelo Anthony was asked how he would feel if he were in that situation.  Check what he had to say after the jump.

Shay Marie x Sabrina B.

Carmelo Anthony isn’t a Yankees fan, but seeing what happened to Alex Rodriguez during the American League Championship Series didn’t sit well with him.

“I just feel bad for A-Rod, man,” said Anthony, whose Knicks played the Toronto Raptors in a preseason game Friday night in Montreal. “I don’t like to see nobody go through that. It’s tough.”

Rodriguez was benched in ALCS Game 3 and wasn’t in the starting lineup for Game 4 but entered the game as a pinch hitter and went 0-for-2, leaving him at 3-for-25 in the 2012 postseason.

Anthony can’t see himself being benched. “I can’t imagine that,” he said. “I can’t imagine that.”

Anthony, who was born in Brooklyn but grew up in Baltimore, upset some New York fans because he was rooting for the Orioles when they faced the Yankees in the Division Series. But after the Orioles were ousted, he wanted the Yankees to beat the Tigers.

Said Anthony, “I jumped ship.”–

– Al Iannazznone for Newsday