Deion Sanders made headlines once again when it was reported that he was having an affair with a 19-year-old woman named Aleea Stanton.  She decided to clear things up by telling her side of the story and denying that anything romantic took place between she and Sanders.  According to her he approached her as a mentor and was supposed to help her with her career.  Read more after the jump.

Shay Marie x Sabrina B.

Per Bossip:

BOSSIP has scored the first and only interview with Aleea and she gave us some insight into the nature of her relationship with Deion, whether Pilar considers her a “homewrecker”.

According to Aleea she met Deion in the summer of 2011 when she was contacted by his friend/assistant/scout/”cutie recruiter” over Twitter DM.

“I got a DM on Twitter from a guy saying, ‘Hey I’ve got a friend that wants to meet you.’. I said, ‘Ok, cool who is it? He says ‘Deion Sanders.’, and I said ‘Who???’”

Aleea says that since she was born in 1992, Deion retired from baseball in 2001, and was in the struggle part of his football career in 2002, she had to Google Mr. “Prime Time” to find out who he was.

We are told that Deion’s initial conversations with Aleea weren’t romantic at all. According to Aleea, Deion approached the then 19-year-old with intentions of being a “mentor” to her, and introducing her to important people that could help her…

“He told me that he could put me in meetings, and have me in the room with people that make things happen. For the record, me and him never did anything. The most I ever did with that man is hug…”

When we inquired about whether Aleea knew Deion was married or had heard about any of the drama that was going on between him and Pilar, she says:

“I never knew he was married, and he definitely never mentioned anything about a wife or a family. But at the same time, I didn’t feel the need to ask because we weren’t dating or anything, he said he wanted to help me.”

Bossip: Have you had any contact with Pilar since the news of your relationship broke?

Aleea: No, Pilar and I have not spoken. I gave her my number directly (over Twitter), but she hasn’t called. But really their problems have nothing to do with me, I’m more than glad to answer any questions she might have if she wants to know something. But other than that there is nothing to talk about.

Bossip: At what point did things go left between you and Deion?

Aleea: Well, things never really went left, but if he had other intentions outside of business he should have made that clear a lot earlier.

Bossip: Ok, well when you realize what his intentions were?

Aleea: He asked me to send him some pictures. He said “If people are going to do any business with you then they are going to want to see that you are presentable etc.”. So I sent him a few regular pics, and after he saw them he asked for some that were a little bit sexier.” I never sent him any nekkid pics, but a variety of pics that showed all my sides.”

Bossip: Did Deion ever fly you out to meet up with him? Did you all ever sleep together?

Aleea: Yes, he flew me out to meet him a couple times, but we always had separate rooms, but it felt like he had done this before. Like he and his assistant had a system.

Bossip: System?

Aleea: For how they approach girls. I guess maybe he wanted to ease me in, but it just felt like that . Deion is a very smary, very nice guy, I just think when a marriage isn’t going right a man is going to look for something outside. But for the record, I don’t consider myself a homewrecker, again, we never had sex or any of that. Whatever problems him and Pilar were having was going on WAY before I met him.”

Her story sounds doesn’t sound right at all.  She didn’t know who he was so she googled him but never saw that he was married?  She also says she’s studying to become a lawyer, what kind of career help was she trying to get from Deion?  And why would she need to send him pictures? Then there’s this tweet from when the story originally broke.

It supports her “hug” story but why the Angelina Jolie/ Jennifer Aniston reference if there was nothing romantic?

Sounds extremely sketchy to me.  Her 15 minutes are now complete.