Just a month ago Apple won $1 Billion from phone maker Samsung, but that doesn’t seem to be enough for Apple.  Apple wants more damages to be paid on the behalf of Samsung.  Apple is going in for the kill with this case.  Apple filed for a motion on Friday to add to the damages.

Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Apple wants the injunction to cover “any of the infringing products or any other product with a feature or features not more than colorably different from any of the infringing feature or features in any of the Infringing Products,” according to the filing.

Samsung responded in a U.S. court filing by asking for a new trial, Reuters says.

“The Court’s constraints on trial time, witnesses and exhibits were unprecedented for a patent case of this complexity and magnitude, and prevented Samsung from presenting a full and fair case in response to Apple’s many claims.”

Apple accused the Galaxy maker of patent infringement in a highly-publicized court battle. A jury found Samsung devices infringed upon multiple patented features, including double-tap zoom, pinch-to-zoom and the design and iconography on iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches.

“In the first six months of 2012 alone, Samsung received over 1.5 billion dollars in revenue from the 26 products that the jury found and/or diluted Apple’s patents and trade dresses,” the filing says, adding that the Korean firm made a “calculated business decision to copy.”
