I’m sure most women would agree with this one! A new study has emerged finding that chocolate is basically the same as a highly addicting drug! This new study was conducted on rats who would eat M&Ms. Read below for full details and results.
A new study found that chocolate is basically the same as a highly addicting drug!
Eating chocolate activates the same neurotransmitters in the brain that drive drug addiction or binge eating.
The study was conducted on rats who would eat M&Ms. It was found that the brain would produce a natural, drug-like chemical when the rats were eating them.
The leader of the study said:
“The same brain area we tested here is active when obese people see foods and when drug addicts see drug scenes.”
Wow. So when someone says they’re a “chocoholic” they aren’t kidding.
This is actually kinda scary.
Anyone else suddenly hungry for chocolate?