The majprity of iOS users already hate Apple’s map.  Do you want your beloved Google maps back.  After the break see how its possible to get it back. I guess i’ll wait to update all my iOS devices.

Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA


But a quick search for the App Store reveals the unfortunate truth: There’s no native Google Maps app in App Store. Fortunately, there is a solution.


First, head to, which is Google’s web app. It allows you to do basically everything Apple Maps cant. But it doesn’t stop there – it also has a (beta) bike routes tab, which wasn’t even on Google Maps in iOS 5.

Obviously, opening Safari every time you want directions is needlessly cumbersome – Google has you covered there. As you open the site for the first time you’ll see a floating banner prompting you to install the web app to your phone. Tap that share button the banner is pointing to.

Next, select Add to Home Screen from the grid of icons that appears.

In the next prompt you can name the icon, or leave it as Google Maps.

And voila, Google Maps is installed to your desktop. Well, it’s actually only a shortcut to the web app, but anyone who relies on Google Maps on a day to day basis will find even the clunky web app to be far superior to a map that doesn’t work half the time.

If you’re not satisfied with the Google Maps shortcut trick, you might want to download the ($60) Garmin app, which as of recently supports public transportation and street view.

So what do you think? Are you going to stick with Apple Maps or have you already