President Obama is one of the dopest presidents ever.  I just LOVE how much he’s into sports!

By now, most of us are pretty familiar with President Barack Obama’s affinity for and knowledge of the game of basketball. What you’re probably not aware of is that Obama even uses hoops analogies as rallying points for his re-election campaign against Mitt Romney.

Sabrina B.

According to The New York Times, Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer, during a meeting among Democratic governors in February, asked Obama if he had what it takes to win the 2012 presidential race.

Writes The Times, “For a moment Mr. Obama looked annoyed, a White House aide said, as if he thought Mr. Schweitzer was underestimating him. Then he came alive.”

“Holy mackerel, he lit up,” Schweitzer, per The Times. “It was like a light switch coming on.”

“We’re the Miami Heat, and he’s Jeremy Lin,” Obama replied to Schweitzer’s question.

Presumably, the president was referring to when the Heat put a kibosh on Linsanity on Feb. 23.  Before traveling to Miami, the Knicks, thanks in large part to Lin’s heroics, had won nine of 11 games. With the step up in class, however, Lin was atrocious, going 1-for-11 from the field for just eight points and turning the ball over eight times.

And the Heat won in a landslide, 102-88.