Police are searching for clues after they found 6-year-old, Dominick Andujo dead and 12-year-old Amber Andujo with a slit throat. Amber is believed to have identified the attacker, but officials are not releasing his identity yet. There were also two other girls at the house, a 9-year-old, and a 14-year-old, who was babysitting the three. Both girls were not harmed. Click below to read more.

Jason J.

Police are searching for clues after two young siblings were attacked by an apparent intruder as they slept in their New Jersey home Sunday morning, leaving one dead and the other critically injured.

Camden County prosecutors said 6-year-old Dominick Andujor was pronounced dead at the scene. His 12-year-old sister Amber Andujo, whose throat was slit, was in critical condition after surgery Sunday. A 9-year-old girl and a 14-year-old girl, who was babysitting the three younger children, were unharmed, said Jason Laughlin, a spokesman for the Camden County prosecutor’s office.

MyFoxPhilly.com reports Amber identified the man she believed to be her attacker to police, but officials would not divulge his identity. Police would also not say whether an arrest had been made or charges had been filed in the case.

The Associated Press reports law enforcement agencies are seeking to to talk to a man who lives in the area in connection with the attack who apparently had lacerations on his hand. However, authorities said they were not targeting one person, and it was not clear why the children were attacked.

The teenager had been babysitting the other three children because their mother, who recently underwent surgery, was still in the hospital. Authorities said Dominick’s father lives out of state. It was not known if he also was the father of the other children.
