With the verdict in the books, Apple has compiled a list of smartphones they would like off store shelves.  Some of the smart phones on the list are a bit outdated but non the less Apple wants them gone.

Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

  • Galaxy S 4G
  • Galaxy S2 AT&T
  • Galaxy S2 Skyrocket
  • Galaxy S2 T-Mobile
  • Galaxy S2 Epic 4G
  • Galaxy S Showcase
  • Droid Charge
  • Galaxy Prevail

Looking at the list it’s easy to say they’re all old devices and people have now moved on but realistically, a lot of the devices are still being sold today and making money for Samsung. Noticeably absent though, is the Galaxy Nexus which as most know runs stock Android Ice Cream Sandwich. Most of Apple’s claims assert infringement of Apple’s design patents and trade dress. If you’re looking for the full break down of how each device Apple claims is in violation, you’ll find it below.
