The story of this woman is so…ridiculous. From what I’ve read, anyway. I mean, she was working at a magazine…steady income, normal life, good job. Then she meets this shamble of a man and quits her job to be in a horribly dysfunctional relationship that often involves cop calling and restraining orders, and now she’s carrying this man’s baby?! To each their own I suppose! Get the details on Kate Major and Michael Lohan’s pregnancy below.

Marisa Mendez

TMZ has learned Lindsay’s gonna have another sibling, courtesy of Kate Major and Michael Lohan.

According to our sources, Kate is in her first trimester. But get this … the restraining order she had against MiLo was lifted lifted only a few weeks ago … so the act of conception was illegal.

Our sources say Michael has not told Lindsay or any of his other children the happy news yet. So Lindsay, we’re pleased to inform you you’re gonna have a brother or sister to whom you can teach the ropes.

A rep for the couple confirms the pregnancy, but wouldn’t comment further.