Sabrina B.

Due to some guy named Wilt, the Lakers long ago retired the no.13 that Steve Nash wore for so many years in Phoenix, so the newest Lakeshow member has settled on a new jersey number …


Per the OC Register:

“With Steve Nash’s familiar No. 13 retired in Wilt Chamberlain’s honor by the Lakers, Nash has decided he will wear No. 10 in purple and gold for the coming season. Just like all the great soccer playmakers who’ve come before him and showcased that number on the pitch. It’s a fitting choice for Nash, a soccer fanatic and the Lakers’ new point guard, as he comes to center the Lakers’ offense, which struggled late in the season to get the ball to proven scorers Kobe Bryant, Andrew Bynum and Pau Gasol in easy positions to do damage. (Bryant, Bynum and Gasol are — appropriately enough — also soccer fans. And Bryant wears No. 10 for USA Basketball, too.)”