Tat found this cool social music app Soundtracking a couple of months back along with this website Splash.FM. Are you on it yet? Check out what they are all about here. Recently Splash.FM hit a major milestone, check it out after the jump.

ShottaDru X TatWza


Thanks to your amazing support, Splash.FM has reached 5,000 users and over 50,000 splashes! We could not have achieved such success without the devotion of our user base and we only hope that this is the beginning of a movement that continues to grow rapidly in the future.

As a company devoted to our user base, we have stayed committed to listening to all of your suggestions for the site and will be revealing many upgrades. In addition, we are extremely excited about the drop of our iPhone app in the upcoming weeks. We share the same sentiments as many of our users in that Splash.FM is a product best served mobile and we look forward to seeing it in action. We will accompany this exciting time with the revealing of many new Featured Splashers, who will help make the discovery process that much better.

We would like to once again thank the user base for their help in this accomplishment. Splash away, and look forward to the amazing future that our community has in store.

Keep Splashing!

Alex & Jason
