This title is exactly what the site MITTROMNEYECONOMICS.COM is going to do. The Obama administration has put together a website to show how Mitt Romney really makes business moves and how he makes all those millions. Click below to find out and get more of an understanding of the man who wants to run our country.

Funk Flex

On the campaign trail, Mitt Romney points to his business experience as his chief qualification to be president — pointing often to that background to explain how he’d boost the economy, how he’d create jobs, how he’d fix the budget.

We took at a look at that experience, and put together a new site,, about it. Take a look, and then help hold him accountable.

It’s important that you understand exactly what Romney did as a businessman, and whether the lessons and values he drew from that experience really do qualify him to be our president.

In a career of buying and selling companies, Romney’s pattern was to reap quick profits for himself and his investors, but often at the expense of workers and communities. Sometimes it meant outsourcing jobs to places like China and Mexico. Other times, it would mean reducing wages and benefits.

At times, his firm would buy companies, load them with debt and pocket millions, even as the companies went bankrupt, costing workers their jobs, health care, and pensions.

In Romney’s world, CEOs and wealthy investors prosper by any means they can get away with, even when that means companies fail and workers are left behind. Two sets of rules — one for people like him, another for the rest of us.

It’s our job to let people know the truth about Romney’s record, and what it says about the economic vision and values he would bring to the presidency.

The real strength of the economy is a growing, thriving middle class, not a simply a band of successful financial engineers, and Romney doesn’t get that.

I sent the note below to the Truth Team, a group of grassroots supporters who’ve signed up to be on the front lines of doing just that.

Check Out The ‘Romney Exposure’