Too busy to write a letter to your local officials or attend meetings to discuss improvements in your neighborhood? No problem with SeeClickFix you can reach government officials from your iPhone, Android or Blackberry. Hit the jump to check out SeeClickFix.
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We’ve all been through it before in one way or another: While spending some time cruising around your community, you spot some unsightly graffiti, a broken manhole cover and a blown-over chain link fence on public property. Or, maybe you find that one traffic light nearby is taking an unreasonably long time to change from red to green.
Whatever the issue is, you feel compelled to call your local government’s non-essential civic issues line to get it taken care of. But instead of finding a simple and easy fix to the annoying eyesores plaguing your community, you find that you’ve dived headlong into what seems like a mountain of red tape.
Contacting local governments about non-essential civic issues can be such a hassle in some areas that the mere mention of calling up the governmental customer services line can induce a mind-numbing headache. However, a company based in New Haven, Connecticut, is looking to change all of that with a piece of trusty technology — the smartphone.
SeeClickFix is a web application, also available for iPhone, Android and Blackberry, that empowers active citizens with a simple and easy avenue to reach their government about non-essential issues they see within their communities.
“Just take out the SeeClickFix application and snap a photo of the issue,†says Ben Berkowitz, founder and CEO of SeeClickFix. The photo and the metadata would then go to the government service in your area.
Mashable spoke with Berkowitz about his company’s roots, current innovations and plans to take SeeClickFix all over the world.