This is a tale of a “Grand theft Auto” game being brought to life. Click below to see the list of crimes this genius committed.
So just to get this straight, the wanted man from Kentucky took a Greyhound Bus into Nashville and from 3am to noon and:
-broke into a slaughterhouse
-stole a tazer, revolver and shotgun
-destructed the slaughterhouse
-stole a t-shirt
-lit the slaughterhouse on fire
-tazed, pistol whipped and mugged pedestrians
-stole taxi cab
-broke into Law Office
-shits on desk
-smears shit on law degrees on walls
-walks into hotel looking and talking like a woman
-knocks on several doors talking like woman housekeeper
-robs more people
-gets haircut
-crashes stolen cab
-mugged more people, while crying
-calmly hails new cab
-gets off at mall
-climbs to the roof
-submerges himself into cooling vat filled with water with only his nose above the water