A recent poll has named America’s most hated state and shockingly it’s not my beloved New Jersey!! I’m actually really surprised at the state that was picked as most hated. The poll showed that Utah, Mississippi, New Jersey, and Illinois were in the top four or the most hated and Hawaii was named as America’s favorite state. Check out which state is the worst below.


Well, here at The Huffington Post we were shocked — shocked — to discover the results of a national poll by Public Policy Polling about the popularity of each state in the country. The most disliked state in the nation: California.

In fact, only five states in the country were in the negative territory, including Utah (24 percent of people polled found the state favorable and 27 percent found it unfavorable), Mississippi (22-28), New Jersey (25-32), Illinois (19-29) and California with a whopping 44 percent of those polled viewing the state unfavorably. Only 27 percent of those polled viewed California favorably, and 29 percent had no opinion. (See all of the results here.)

Perhaps to no one’s surprise, California ranked lowest with Republicans (according to the poll results, they “absolutely hate” the state) and highest with Democrats and women. Hawaii was the most liked state, followed by Colorado, Tennessee, South Dakota and Virginia. And then every other state in the country, and THEN California.

Say it ain’t so!

Could it be our towering Redwoods? Our staggering coastline? Our 80-degree weather on February 23? Perhaps it’s our mild temperament and active lifestyle. Or maybe it’s that we’re the world’s fifth largest supplier of food.

Well here at HuffPost San Francisco, we say good riddance — you can keep the other 49.
