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This does seem pretty amazing!! I posted on an App called GLMPS, that took a little video before taking the Pic, giving you a background story, but displaying it as Picture in Picture, This on the other hand is Different, Hit the Jump to be knowledge-afied!!!


A Montreal-based startup called Factyle, Inc. has put forth an amazing App here, turn your whole photo or part of a the photo into a GIF! This is All made cool, But, I feel like this App is Kinda New and Needs some things to go along with it to make it just a bit better, But as I run through the Process, which will start now:

You open up the App, and this still(lol) will show you, you’re in the right place;

Then you see what the ‘popular’ Gif Is(at the moment);

Or go to the Newest Gif, You can see the titles of the Gif’s and Whom posted it(but you can’t go to that person’s profile -_-);

You can also go to the other side of the title, and see when it was Posted. Now you could go to your Album of Gif’s as well, but until you ‘Capture’ some, that will be empty, so you actually want to hit that Capture Next! So you can record as long as you want, BUT what it will except is a different name, so keep in mind what you’re trying to accomplish, and position the clip where you think you’ve done that, and when you think you have it, you can hit Play to make sure. When you’r ready you can proceed forward, or go back and start over;

The Next thing you have to do is put the mask on of what part of the pic(or even the whole pic) to Move, for instance, I made the mask be the background here, and I stayed still;

If that is straight(if not, you can go back) you can move forward, There are filters(like Instagram), if you like;

Now if you’ve picked that, and didn’t go back again, it will show you what you got, and you can even reverse it;

Then you can go to your ‘Settings’ and set up how you want to share it, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, or set up what email you want to put in;

I emailed it to myself, and opened up the link, and when it opened, it took me to a page which will still allow you to share through you social media, or Better yet, give yo an Embed code to put on say…;

and this is that Pic Embeded;
Gif Of A Gif:

Gif Of A Gif

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Really Cool Example:

Versão Dedo No Mouse

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So originally I thought I would be able to posts Gf’s to Instagram, But that is NOT the case, and I also can’t save them to my Gallery(which Sucks) but the share options are Tough, and I can get them to my macbook, which is comforting, and the embed option is Pretty cool(much like TOut, and SocialCam), so I’m not too upset to have Spent $2!!

Now go to iTunes, and get started with yourself, and if you tweet me with some, I’ll post them here onIFWT to see what people think!!
