If you don’t know, an IPO is an Initial Public Offering, and it’s how a Company jumps on to the Stock market to be publicly traded, and really earn you the Big bucks, if you actually buy stock in the Social Network Giant. Find out some details after the Jump.


Apparently Mr. Zuckerberg owns a whopping 28.4% of the Company, which is remarkable for a creator of a company to hold on to so much stake in the company by the time it hits an IPO. He’s gonna have a small salary to run the company, just 500K, which is Nothing to what he has in Stock worth, and Nothing compared to what wall st execs retain, but puts his personal value at $30 Billion, Clean Zucks.

The Company will trade under the symbol ‘FB’ which is mos def Clean, but we have yet to find out on what Exchange. The Company this will raise $5 Billion for the Company, which could put the Value of the Company at $100 Billion, making it More Valuable than Google, the #1 site in the World…Maybe people will start using their Facebook accounts heavy again…Maybe Not.

Just curious, can we say #OccupyFacebook Now???
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