A Study from Wichita State University School of Business in Wichita, Kansas has found out some really interesting Stats about Text Messages, You might want to Hit the Jump to find them out!
This is quite interesting, Not only did the Kansas School find out People are More Full of Sh*t when the text, but they used The stock market Environment to complete the Texts! They Used some Stock Brokers and investors for the Test, on one hand you had Brokers with Knowledge that the stock they were selling would lose half it’s Value after Purchase, But were also told they would get Bonus Money for Increased Sales. After the Smoke cleared, the School found out, 95% of the Brokers that Brokered over Text, Lied they Ass off, Compared to Doing it through Video! And Actually That’s only 31% than in Person, and Only 18% Higher than those with Audio, Like the Phone. So it sounds like Video would have been the Best way(oddly enough, that mean’s over being in person as well though, that’s kinda crazy, but staying on task, that means IF someone really wants something like make Money, they will lie their ass of through text, So make sure you Skype when meeting your new Online Boo!!