So this is pretty BIG, I knew something was coming because all the little slow ups, and the image gallery has been bugging, I told Funk they were doing something, But This, if you haven’t seen, Need to know what to expect, or how to Navigate once you get it, Hit the Jump!
I didn’t get to see it while mobile, cause Apps are Not effected by it(as far as I can Tell), but when I get to a computer, I checked it out, here it goes!
After you login, you click the
Home Button to get to your Timeline:
But I know you want to monitor you ‘Mentions’, so click the button next to ‘Home’, the ‘Connect’ Button, But when you get there you’ll see your ‘interaction’, that the ‘Activity‘ they’ve been showing you:
But Click the ‘Mentions Button’ below ‘interactions on the left side of the screen(assuming you’re looking at the screen, NOT trapped inside of it on some “TRON” ish, Assuming that), and You will finally get your ‘Mentions’:
When in ‘Mentions’, and you want to Reply oe Retweet, you have to ‘Open’ that Tweet, and find those Options:
Now Say you want to go in to your Picture Gallery, all you gotta do is go to the ‘Home Button’, Hit Tweets, Following, or follower’s and you be able to see the Picture Gallery(As well as edit your Profile):
Now Gotta you gotta go to ‘#Discovery’ Then Hit ‘Stories’, I believe those are the Trending Topic;
And they’ve added a NEW tab called ‘Browse Categories’, but you’ll have to check it for yourself;
Now when I went to My Twitter Page, I still had the newer, yet Not Newest Twitter, with The word “Timeline” still being used, and ‘Mentions’ are you twitter name:
Hit us up on Twitter an let us know which Version you have!!!
Well the Twitter apps should be updating also because mine has the new update..